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Live Services

Your exchange, we manage it

Outsource elements of running an exchange to our experts

Deep knowledge and expertise

Leverage our experience running regulated markets and trading venues and allow our industry experts to manage the market’s infrastructure, operations and surveillance elements

Reduce cost

Greatly reduce the fixed staffing costs of running your market

Round the clock

Our team supports markets around the globe no matter the market hours

Key features


Outsource operational elements of running your market to the experienced Aquis team with a depth of knowledge in running trading venues.

First Line Surveillance

Aquis’ experienced market and trade surveillance teams will monitor your markets, escalate and provide reports on any warranted activity.


Outsource the costly infrastructure elements of running your exchange regardless of whether you are running an on premise, cloud or hybrid deployment model.

Cost efficiencies

The outsourcing of costly elements imperative to running trading venues will both provide material cost savings and you gain the expertise of Aquis’ staff with unsurpassed knowledge in these key processes.