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Aquis Markets

Next generation trading

The subscription-based exchange offering pan-European cash equities trading. Operating lit and dark order books, periodic auctions and Europe’s largest alternative closing auction.

The smart choice

Whether for brokers, investment banks, buy-side traders or liquidity providers, Aquis offers high quality, low impact and cost effective trading in pan-European equities.

Broad reach across the UK and Europe

Aquis allows firms to trade more than 2,000 large and mid-cap stocks and ETFs, from 16 European countries. Trading takes place on Aquis' regulated MTFs in the UK and the EU.

Why choose us?

“Aquis frequently has the best price on its own, the deepest liquidity, the lowest cost of trading and the fastest technology, making it an essential venue for brokers' best execution requirements.” – Liquid Metrix


largest European stock exchange


average daily value traded


European markets covered


largest European alternative closing auction mechanism

Our products

Aquis Markets offers a suite of trading functionality and order types across different levels of transparency to meet our members' best execution needs

Lit Continuous Trading

Our lit order books in the UK and EU offer members the opportunity to trade in an anonymous central limit order book. Aquis is the first European exchange to offer a subscription pricing model.

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Auction on Demand

Auction on Demand offers pre-trade transparent intraday auctions, where members can enter limit orders or midpoint pegged orders referencing the combined best bid and offer of Aquis + Primary (APBBO). Included as part of members' monthly subscription fee.

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Market at Close

Market at Close allows members to enter orders for matching on Aquis at the same price as the market of listing closing auction, for a fraction of the cost.

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Matching Pool

Our non-displayed order books, where members can trade at the midpoint of the Primary Best Bid & Offer (PBBO), trade larger blocks and seek even lower market impact than in the lit order books.

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Market Data

Market data for both Aquis Exchange UK and Aquis Exchange Europe is available directly from Aquis or via a range of market data vendors and extranets. Aquis’ market data feed is provided via a number of IP multicast feeds.

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Useful links


Aquis publishes monthly statistics on its trading in addition to the latest day’s trading data on a 15 minute delay.

View monthly statistics

Fee schedule

Aquis’ unique subscription pricing model can significantly reduce the cost of trading. Pay based on message count rather than basis points on value traded, with free passive messages. Our highest subscription tier allows unlimited trading on our lit continuous and Auction on Demand services.

View fee schedule