Eight Capital Ptnrs. - Restated Final Results for year ended 31 Dec 2021
Announcement provided by
Eight Capital Partners Plc · ECP12/09/2023 07:00

12 September 2023
("Eight Capital", "ECP" or "the Company")
Annual Report and Financial Statements
For the year ended 31 December 2021
Eight Capital (AQSE: ECP), the investing company whose investment strategy focuses on technology, media, telecoms and financial services businesses, including listed investing companies, announced, further to its announcement of 3 July 2023, its reissued final results for the year ended 31 December 2021.
As announced on 3 July 2023, a delay in the audit process for the financial year to 31 December 2022 arose as a result of the directors' decision, in consultation with its auditors and the Financial Reporting Council (FRC), to reclassify the accounting treatment of its 1AF2 Ltd Sec. Bonds 21-24 fixed rate bonds. The reclassification has resulted in the issue of these revised audited accounts for the year to 31 December 2021.
The delayed final results to 31 December 2022 will also be released shortly.
For further information, please visit www.eight.capital or contact:
Eight Capital Partners plc Dominic White, Chairman Luciano Maranzana, Group CEO
+44 20 3808 0029 info@eight.capital
Cairn Financial Advisers LLP AQSE Corporate Adviser Jo Turner / Liam Murray |
+44 20 7213 0880
Walbrook PR Limited Paul Vann/Nick Rome
+44 20 7933 8780 Paul.vann@walbrookpr.com |
About Eight Capital Partners:
Eight Capital partners plc is a financial services operating company that aims to grow revenue through businesses engaged in "Fintech" operations including in the digital banking and lending sectors.
ECP seeks to grow its group revenue in these high growth fintech sub-sectors, which it expects to also increase in value, such that they generate an attractive rate of return for shareholders, predominantly through capital appreciation.
Eight Capital Partners operates two subsidiary businesses:
Epsion Capital:
Epsion Capital is an independent corporate advisory firm based in
Innovative Finance:
Innovative Finance is a corporate finance advisory business that develops mergers and acquisitions and financing solutions across multiple sectors, primarily in
Extract from the audited reissued report and accounts for the year ended 31 December 2021
Revision of Financial Statements by Replacement
The following Annual Report and Financial Statements replaces the original reports filed with the Registrar of Companies on 22 July 2022. These are now the statutory accounts of the Company for the year ended 31 December 2021. This replacement Annual Report and Financial Statements has been prepared at the date of the original accounts and not as at the date of this revision and accordingly does not deal with events between those dates.
Financial Reporting Council (FRC)
The Company was notified by the FRC that the Company's original FY 2021 Audited Annual Report and Financial Statements had been subject to a limited scope review in accordance with Part 2 of the FRC Corporate Reporting Review Operating Procedures. A full review of the original FY 2021 Annual Report and Financial Statements was not undertaken and the review was subject to the following scope and limitations of the FRC review.
The FRC also provides no assurance that the revised annual report and accounts are correct in all material respects, including (but not limited to) the carrying amounts of the assets and liabilities affected by the revisions described below. The FRC has not verified the assumptions made by management or the information provided.
Scope and limitations of the FRC review
The FRC review is based on a review of the annual report and accounts and does not benefit from detailed knowledge of the Company's business or an understanding of the underlying transactions entered into. It was however conducted by staff of the FRC who have an understanding of the relevant legal and accounting framework. The FRC provides no assurance that the annual report and accounts are correct in all material respects, the FRC's role is not to verify the information provided but to consider compliance with reporting requirements.
Amendments to 2021 Audited Annual Report and Financial Statements arising from FRC review and additional review by the Company and its Auditor.
As a result of the FRC review and additional review carried out by the Company and its Auditor, several amendments have been agreed by the Board to be made to the Annual Audited Report and Financial Statements.
Amendments arising from FRC review where the original Annual Audited Report and Financial Statements did not meet the requirements of the Companies Act 2006
1. Correction of 2021 entries in the cash flow statement relating to the issue and redemption of loan liabilities, where the transactions were non-cash exchanges of bonds.
The consolidated and company cash flow statements reported an investing cash outflow of
2. Correction of the hierarchy level in which the fair value measurement of the investment in bonds issued by 1AF2 Limited ('1AF2 Bonds') belongs, and additional disclosures required for Level 3 measurement in accordance with paragraphs 93(d), (e), (f), (g) and (h) of IFRS 13; correction of 2021 entries relating to the carrying amount of the 1AF2 Bonds at 31 December 2021 and recognition of fair value movements on the 1AF2 Bonds in the income statement.
The Directors had previously reviewed the 1AF2 Bonds and concluded that whilst the bonds benefitted from an exit fee based on the performance of the underlying securitised assets in a listed entity, they
considered the likelihood of achieving the exit fee to be remote, and as such did not take it into account as part of the assessment of the bonds. The Directors took the view that the Bonds should have been held at amortised cost, whereas the FRC's view upon review is that they should have been held at fair value based on an appropriate valuation method.
Following a review with its Auditor, the Directors now consider that the fair value measurement of the 1AF2 Bonds should have been categorised within Level 3. As part of the Level 3 disclosure it should have set out that there were no suitable quoted prices for trading in the 1AF2 Bonds. The valuation method disclosed should then have explained the methodologies used to value the bonds based on 1) a valuation of the underlying securities and 2) a discounted cash flow analysis, which involve the use of significant unobservable inputs.
Underlying securities valuation methodology
Quoted shares were priced by the mid-point of the reporting date.
Unquoted shares, the valuation was based on an average of 4 scenarios which included a 3 and 5 year financial plan discounted using a Weighted Average Cost of Capital ('WACC').
The WACC included the following elements:
Risk-free rate - calculated as the 12 months weighted average value of the 10Y US Government Bond
Equity risk premium - sourced from Ashwath Damodaran, a Professor of Finance at the Stern School of Business at
Beta - calculated as the median of the betas (2 years, weekly) observed in a panel of comparable listed companies operating in the regulatory and ICT industry
Small size premium - in order to take into account the different size of the Company compared to the comparable entities used in the management assessment of WACC.Execution risk premium - in order to reflect the risk related to the projections
Country risk premium - it reflects the risk related to the main regional areas where the company operates in each scenario
Cost of debt - equal to the sum of risk-free rate, the spread resulting from the S&P credit spreads of the comparable and the Italian default spread.
Tax rate - equal to the Italian corporate tax rate of 24%
WACC was converted from USD to EUR by using the inflation rates in both jurisdictions.
Each scenario produced a different WACC, ranging from 14.5% to 16.6%.
Long Term Growth Rate ('LTGR') was prudently set at 1.9%.
Using the Financial plans for each scenario applying the DCF method using the associated WACC and terminal value based on the LTGR, the valuations given for the Company's share of the underlying security package were between
Weighted Average Cost of Capital
A summary of the unobservable inputs used in the WACC calculation is set out below:
Scenario |
Base |
1 |
2 |
3 |
Risk Free Rate |
0.9% |
0.9% |
0.9% |
0.9% |
Market Risk Premium |
4.7% |
4.7% |
4.7% |
4.7% |
Beta Unlevered |
0.8 |
0.8 |
0.8 |
0.8 |
D/E Target |
8.8% |
8.8% |
8.8% |
8.8% |
Tax Rate |
24.0% |
24.0% |
24.0% |
24.0% |
Relevered Beta |
0.9 |
0.9 |
0.9 |
0.9 |
Additional Risk Premium |
11.1% |
12.1% |
12.5% |
13.4% |
Cost of Equity (Ke) |
16.3% |
17.3% |
17.7% |
18.5% |
Base rate |
0.9% |
0.9% |
0.9% |
0.9% |
Default spread |
1.9% |
1.9% |
1.9% |
1.9% |
Spread |
2.0% |
2.0% |
2.0% |
2.0% |
Gross cost of Debt |
4.8% |
4.8% |
4.8% |
4.8% |
Tax rate |
24.0% |
24.0% |
24.0% |
24.0% |
Net cost of Debt (Kd) |
3.7% |
3.7% |
3.7% |
3.7% |
E/(E+D) |
91.9% |
91.9% |
91.9% |
91.9% |
D/(E+D) |
8.1% |
8.1% |
8.1% |
8.1% |
15.2% |
16.2% |
16.6% |
17.3% |
US inflation |
2.4% |
2.4% |
2.4% |
2.4% |
WACC Real |
12.6% |
13.5% |
13.6% |
14.6% |
EU inflation |
1.8% |
1.8% |
1.8% |
1.8% |
14.5% |
15.5% |
15.9% |
16.6% |
Bond Discounted Cash Flow valuation Methodology ("DCF")
A DCF valuation on the bond incorporating the four monthly interest payments and repayment of the bond principal at 30 June 2024 was also carried out. We used the Base scenario WACC of 14.5% which prudently includes an equity return as well as debt return. When discounting the cashflows a value of
The board acknowledged that a valuation of the security and a DCF valuation of the bond would meet the requirements of IFRS 13 and note this to be included in the 2022 accounts.
As a result of the change in valuation methodology, an additional loss of
3. Recognition of a loss on modification of the loan liabilities
During the year under review the Company undertook a restructuring of its debt liabilities to restructure a
The Board has accepted the FRC's view and has calculated a
4. Commentary in the Strategic Reports, reflecting the revised performance and position as at 31 December 2021, so as to provide a fair, balanced and comprehensive review of each period.
The Board considers that the summary of results in the year in the Chairman's Statement that is referenced in the Strategic Report is the only commentary in the Strategic Reports that is required in conjunction with this new section that sets out the amendments required to the Accounts.
The updated commentary is as follows:
Through its two subsidiaries, the Group recorded revenues for the year under review of
Additional narrative has also been added to the Chairman's statement in relation to the Fair Value Adjustment on the 1AF2 bond, as follows:
Fair value adjustment on 1AF2 Bond
The valuation exercise undertaken on the 1AF2 Bond based on a valuation of the underlying securities and a discounted cash flow valuation assessed the value of the bond at
5. Revision of the Consolidated Income Statement, Consolidated Statement of Changes in Equity and Consolidated Cash Flow Statement to correct the incorrect reporting of trading results for the period.
During the Company's and its Auditor's review of the 2021 Financial Statements following the FRC enquiries, it became apparent that the Consolidated Income Statement incorrectly included 12 months of trading for the two subsidiaries, when the effective date of consolidation upon the change in nature of the group from an investment group to an operating group was 1 July 2021, a shorter period. For the period from 1 January 2021 to 30 June 2021, the Company was an investment vehicle and none of its investment met the requirement of IFRS 10 for an investment company. On 1 July 2021, the Company changed its status from an investment vehicle to an operating company, and as a result, the Company's investments in its subsidiaries have been consolidated from 1 July 2021. The net effect was a reduction in the net loss before tax of
The opening retained losses shown within the Consolidated Statement of Changes in Equity needed to be revised to
This report was approved by the Board of Directors on 30 June 2022 and signed on behalf of the board by:
Dominic White
Chairman's Statement
Dear Shareholder,
I am pleased to report on the Company's financial results for the year ended 31 December 2021 and on a number of far-reaching corporate developments that have occurred during the year, particularly during the second half and which have continued into the first half of 2022.
Change of status to an Operating Group
The most important development during the period under review, and announced in an extensive market update on 27 September 2021, was the change in status from being an investing company to becoming an operating Group with an effective date of 1 July 2021. This Report, therefore, for the first time, presents Eight Capital Partners Plc's ("ECP" or "Eight Capital") financial statements under IFRS reporting standards, consolidating the results and balance sheets of its wholly owned subsidiaries, Epsion Capital Limited ("Epsion"), and Innovative Finance Srl ("InnFin"), the latter acquired in May 2021 (together "the operating subsidiaries"), from the effective date of 1 July 2021 onwards.
ECP has therefore evolved into an international financial services operating Group, whereby Epsion and InnFin source, advise on, finance, and deliver transactions, primarily involving SME businesses within the technology, media, telecoms and financial services sectors and in which ECP itself will potentially invest.
Through its two subsidiaries, the Group recorded revenues for the year under review of
Subsidiary activities
Epsion, our wholly owned
Innovative Finance S.r.l ("InnFin") our wholly owned unregulated Italian Corporate Finance subsidiary, was acquired in May 2021 and has been consolidated since 1 July 2021, the effective date when the group became an operating group. Infin concentrated in the period since consolidation on providing advice to investors and companies ahead of listing on the Standard List of the LSE. Approximately
Eight Capital: update on prior year's investments
ECP's investment portfolio now and as at 31 December 2021 is comprised exclusively of quoted companies. The private investments included in last year's report have either been sold (FPG - see below) or integrated into the Group (Epsion and InnFin).
Finance Partners Group ("FPG"): Financial Services
This investment was disposed of during the year, originally consisting of a receivable of
Retained investments: combined loss in value recorded in these accounts:
Supply@ME Capital Plc ("SYME): Inventory securitisation
SYME is an inventory monetisation business based on a novel asset securitisation concept, enabled by an innovative software platform. SYME is listed on the Standard List of the London Stock Exchange. SYME's share price has not performed well and ECP's
Evrima Plc ("EVA"): Mining and exploration investment
Evrima was formerly Sports Capital Group ("SCG") and ECP invested in a football related project from which SCG withdrew. They reverted to their previous sector of investment: mining and associated exploration and changed their name. The Company's investment was approximately
Greencare Capital Plc ("GRE"): Investment in Cannabis health products and general wellness.
The Company invested both prior to and at IPO when GRE listed on the AQSE Growth Market in December 2019. The total investment was
Fair value adjustment on contingent liability
The terms of the acquisition of InnFin included an earn-out formula contingent upon the attainment of certain levels of profitability in future years, creating a contingent liability towards the vendor at the date of acquisition in May 2021. The fair-valuing of this liability at 31 December 2021 has resulted in a positive adjustment in the income statement of
Fair value adjustment on 1AF2 Bond
The valuation exercise undertaken on the 1AF2 Bond based on a valuation of the underlying securities and a discounted cash flow valuation assessed the value of the bond at
Refined Growth Strategy
As part of its transformation into an operating group, ECP has recently refined its growth strategy to focus increasingly on those businesses engaged in "Fintech" operations, including the digitisation of banking services and blockchain-backed decentralised finance and other disruptive financial services technologies, all of which seek to improve and automate the delivery and use of financial services. Your Board also considers there to be many value creation opportunities for shareholders from the further aligning and expansion of the activities of Epsion and InnFin.
By combining their advisory and transactional expertise with the strategic utilisation of ECP's growing in-house capital resources, ECP is able to provide significant support to the transactions managed by the operating subsidiaries through the provision of early-stage and growth co-investment capital to growing companies seeking finance for expansion, development, consolidation or acquisition, or as pre-IPO/RTO funding.
The competitive advantage of ECP's new operating structure is its flexibility in terms of where it invests in the "capital stack" pyramid, being equally comfortable with private or public debt and/or equity positions, convertibles and structured equity or debt facilities. Much of the financial services advisory market only delivers third party capital and advice, without direct access to supportive in-house capital, or having access to in-house capital lines with a less flexible mandate.
Corporate Transactions during the year
Eight Capital successfully completed a number of corporate transactions during the year, each one forming part of its strategic objective to grow the market capitalisation of the Company towards and beyond
To this end, in May 2021, the Company acquired InnFin, based in
In August, ECP disposed of its investment in Finance Partners Group SPA ("FPG"), an Italian-based financial services business, realising
As announced on 4 August 2021 the purchaser agreed to pay ECP a total of
In addition to these corporate transactions, and as part of the Board's key strategic objective to build scale to the business by further strengthening the Balance Sheet, in August the Company purchased
In September, the Company launched a
Corporate Transactions after the year end
On 23 May 2022, the Company announced that it had issued a further
These current and proposed balance sheet transactions are intended to consolidate and expand the Company's service offering as well as helping it to develop a platform from which it can develop as a multi-faceted financial services company, whilst also providing a stronger base from which it can raise third party capital.
Planned Placing and Open Offer
As announced in the Corporate Update in September 2021, it is the Company's intention to raise new equity capital via a placing once the restructuring of debt is completed. Your Board recognises that those who have already invested in the Company may wish to increase their investment and it is therefore anticipated that current shareholders will be invited to participate in the fundraise on the same terms as the debt conversions and equity placing. Further information will be given in due course.
The Company also intends to provide an opportunity for all debt investors to convert debt to equity on the same terms, including the current outstanding 7% Bonds.
Strengthening of the Management Team
Integral to the success of the Company's transition to an operating business has been the strengthening of its senior management team, with the appointment to the Board in June 2021 of former Bank of
David has responsibility for leading the further development of ECP's financial services business, both organically and through acquisition, all within the context of fintech services. His knowledge and experience of technology and the way it relates to asset and commercial finance, international banking and the digitisation of banking services, combined with his strong risk management skills and proven business leadership qualities are already proving invaluable as we move towards more advanced technologies in the financial services sector. He will also be strengthening the operational management team with further additions in financial management and compliance, which will be at the heart of the Company's operating activities.
The Group is also delighted to have announced on 13 May 2022, the appointment of Richard Day to the Board of Epsion as its Non-Executive Chairman. Richard was co-founder of institutional stockbroker Arden Partners plc, where, from 2002 to when he left in 2015, he was head of corporate finance for much of that time, whilst playing an important role in building its sectoral and geographical presence. He currently holds chairmanships of two quoted companies: Pelatro plc, a "Big Data" analytics company on AIM and The British Honey Company plc, the premium British honey and craft spirits producer. He also chairs Eden Geothermal Limited, a private company drilling its first of two geothermal wells, adjacent to the Eden Project in
2021 was a watershed year for Eight Capital. It successfully transitioned into a financial service operating group, completing a number of complementary corporate and financial transactions, strengthening both the Company's operational capabilities and putting in place actions to radically strengthen its Balance Sheet. It has a clear strategy in place for the transformation of the business in terms of its size, market value and influence within the fintech sector of financial services and through our wholly-owned subsidiaries, Epsion and InnFin.
The Board's strategy is to grow the business both organically through the development of new financial, "fintech-led" services and by selective acquisitions to boost revenue and market presence, thereby significantly increasing shareholder returns.
The Group has made a good start to the current financial year. We are nurturing earnings potential and structuring the business and the Balance Sheet for future sustained growth, while building value for shareholders. We have a strong and growing pipeline of opportunities that we intend to deliver through our business model and the management team in place to deliver significant growth over the next two years. The Board views the future with increasing confidence.
Dominic White
Consolidated Statement of Comprehensive Income
For the year ended 31 December 2021
2021 £'000 |
Revenue |
444 |
Cost of Sales |
(127) |
Gross Profit |
317 |
Administrative expenses |
(734) |
Net change in unrealised/realised gains and losses on investments at fair value through profit or loss |
(9,822) |
Net gains and losses on fair value through profit or loss |
300 |
Other income |
128 |
Operating loss |
(9,811) |
Interest income |
418 |
Finance expense |
(2,151) |
Loss before tax |
(11,544) |
Taxation |
- |
Loss for the financial year |
(11,544) |
Total comprehensive income attributable to the owners of the Parent |
(11,544) |
Earnings per share (pence) from continuing operations attributable to owners of the Company - Basic & Diluted |
(0.78) |
Consolidated Statement Of Financial Position
As At 31 December 2021
2021 £'000 |
Non-current assets |
Goodwill |
3,867 |
Intangible Assets |
13 |
Property, plant & equipment |
23 |
Total non-current assets |
3,903 |
Current assets |
Investments |
24,734 |
Trade and other receivables |
1,270 |
Cash and cash equivalents |
202 |
Total current assets |
26,206 |
Current liabilities |
Trade and other payables |
330 |
Borrowings |
21,380 |
Total current liabilities |
21,710 |
Non-current liabilities |
Long term bond |
17,866 |
Liability for contingent consideration |
1,311 |
Borrowings |
643 |
Total non-current liabilities |
19,820 |
Net liabilities |
(11,421) |
Capital and reserves |
Share capital |
1,453 |
Share premium |
2,068 |
Share option & warrant reserve |
15 |
Convertible loan note |
84 |
Currency translation reserve |
(4) |
Retained earnings |
(15,037) |
Total equity |
(11,421) |
Consolidated Statement of Changes in Equity
For the year ended 31 December 2021
Share capital |
Share premium |
Share option & warrant reserve |
Convertible loan note reserve |
Currency translation reserve |
Retained earnings |
Total |
£'000 |
£'000 |
£'000 |
£'000 |
£'000 |
£'000 |
£'000 |
As at 31 December 2020 |
1,431 |
2,001 |
11 |
84 |
- |
(3,493) |
34 |
Loss for the year |
- |
- |
- |
- |
(11,544) |
(11,544) |
Other comprehensive income for the year |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
Total Comprehensive Income |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
(11,544) |
(11,544) |
Movement in reserves |
- |
- |
- |
(4) |
- |
(4) |
Share based payment |
- |
- |
4 |
- |
- |
- |
4 |
Issue of shares |
22 |
67 |
- |
- |
- |
- |
89 |
Total Transactions with Owners |
22 |
67 |
4 |
- |
(4) |
- |
89 |
As at 31 December 2021 |
1,453 |
2,068 |
15 |
84 |
(4) |
(15,037) |
(11,421) |
Consolidated Statement of Cash Flows
For the year ended 31 December 2021
2021 |
£'000 |
Cash from operating activities |
Loss before tax |
(11,544) |
Adjustments for: |
Net interest expense /(income) |
1,733 |
Net change in unrealised gains on investments at fair value through profit and loss |
9,822 |
Net gains and losses on fair value through profit or loss |
(300) |
Share based payment expense |
4 |
Provisions |
- |
Foreign exchange |
97 |
Increase in trade and other receivables |
(685) |
Increase/(decrease) in trade and other payables |
119 |
Net cash used in operating activities |
(754) |
Cash flow from investing activities |
Proceeds on disposal of investments |
1,343 |
Acquisition of subsidiary, net of cash acquired (InnFin) |
(814) |
Acquisition of subsidiary, net of cash acquired (Epsion) |
120 |
Purchase of property, plant and equipment |
(10) |
Purchase of intangible assets |
(2) |
Interest income |
380 |
Net cash from investing activities |
1,017 |
Cash flows from financing activities |
Loans received |
1,097 |
Proceeds from bond issue |
43 |
Repayment of loans |
(949) |
Finance charges |
(455) |
Net cash from financing activities |
(264) |
Net cash flow for the year |
(1) |
Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of year |
203 |
Cash and cash equivalents at end of year |
202 |
Net change in cash and cash equivalents |
(1) |
Excluded from the consolidated statement of cash flows are the following items included in the consolidated statement of financial position :
· Additions included within current asset investments amounting to
· Additions included within non-current assets relating to goodwill on the acquisition of subsidiaries amounting to
· Bond, loan and equity funding amounting to
The notes on pages 30 to 64 form part of these financial statements.
Notes to the consolidated financial statements
For the year ended 31 December 2021
1. General information
Eight Capital Partners Plc ("the Company") is a public limited company limited by shares and incorporated in
The Company's shares are traded on the Aquis Stock Exchange Growth Market under ticker ECP and ISIN number GB00BYT56612.
The consolidated financial statements of the Company consist of the following companies (together "the Group"):
Eight Capital Partners plc |
Epsion Capital Limited |
Innovative Finance srl ("InnFin") |
Italian registered company |
The Group's objective is to generate an attractive rate of return for shareholders, predominantly through capital appreciation, by taking advantage of opportunities to invest in the financial services and technology, media, and telecoms (TMT) sectors.
The information contained in this announcement has been extracted from the reissued report and accounts for the year to 31 December 2021. Therefore certain events may now be superseded and references, notes and page numbers may be incorrect. Shareholders are encouraged to read the full reissued report and accounts, a copy of which is available on the Company's website..
2. Accounting policies
The principal accounting policies applied in the preparation of these consolidated financial statements are set out below.
Basis of preparation
These consolidated financial statements have been prepared and approved by the Directors in accordance with the UK -adopted international accounting standards. These are the Group's first financial statements prepared in accordance with the UK -adopted international accounting standards.
The Company was classified as an investment vehicle in the prior years ending 31 December 2021. On 1 July 2021 Eight Capital Plc changed its status from an investment vehicle to an operating company. As a result, and in accordance with IFRS 10, some of the Company's investments have been consolidated from this date. No consolidated comparative information has been disclosed as the Company was an investment vehicle and none of its investments met the requirements of IFRS 10 for an investment company.
These consolidated financial statements are prepared on a going concern basis, under the historical cost convention, as modified by the recognition of listed investments at fair value.
These consolidated financial statements are presented in Pounds Sterling, rounded to the nearest thousand (£'000), which is the Company's presentation and functional currency.
The presentational currency for Epsion Limited is Pounds Sterling and for InnFin is Euro as the subsidiary is registered in
The preparation of financial statements in conformity with IFRS requires the use of certain critical accounting estimates. It also requires management to exercise its judgement in the process of applying the Group's accounting policies. The areas involving a higher degree of judgement or complexity, or areas where assumptions and estimates are significant to the consolidated financial statements are disclosed in note 3 of the full report and accounts.
Basis of consolidation
The Group financial statements consolidate the financial statements of the Company and all its subsidiaries ("the Group").
Subsidiaries include all entities over which the Group is exposed, or has rights, to variable returns from its involvement with the investee and has the ability to affect those returns through its power over the investee. The existence and effect of potential voting rights that are currently exercisable or convertible are considered when assessing whether the Group controls another entity. Subsidiaries are consolidated from the date on which control commences until the date that control ceases. Intra-group balances and any unrealised gains and losses on income or expenses arising from intra-group transactions, are eliminated in preparing the consolidated financial statements.
The acquisition method of accounting is used to account for business combinations. The cost of an acquisition is measured as the fair value of the assets given, equity instruments issued, and liabilities incurred or assumed at the date of exchange, and the equity interests issued. Identifiable assets acquired, and liabilities and contingent liabilities assumed in a business combination are measured initially at their fair value at the acquisition date. Acquisition related costs are expensed as incurred. Where necessary, amounts reported by subsidiaries have been adjusted to conform with the Group's accounting policies.
Going concern
As at 31 December 2021, the Group had cash of
As an operating business, the Group has fee income from its corporate finance activities and the performance and income from its investments, supported by aggregate bond facilities of up to
The Directors are therefore of the opinion that the Group has adequate financial resources to enable it to continue in operation for the foreseeable future. For this reason, it continues to adopt the going concern basis in preparing the financial statements.
3. First-time adoption of IFRS
These financial statements, for the year ended 31 December 2021, are the first the Group has prepared in accordance with IFRS. For periods up to and including the year ended 31 December 2020, the Parent Company prepared its financial statements in accordance with United Kingdom Accounting Standards, including Financial Reporting Standard 102, "The Financial Reporting Standard applicable in the
Accordingly, the Group has prepared financial statements that comply with
There were no material adjustments applied to the Group financial statements during the transition to IFRS.
4. Earnings per share
2021 |
Earnings (£) |
Loss used in calculating basic and diluted earnings: |
Loss for the year |
( |
Number of shares |
Weighted average number of shares for the purposes of basic and diluted earnings per share |
1,479,362,244 |
Loss per share (pence) |
(0.78) |
The calculation of basic earnings per share of
8. Related party transactions
Administrative services
During the year, the Company was invoiced
Acquisition of a
On 7 August 2019 the Company announced the acquisition from IWEP Ltd. ("IWEP") of a
On 14 May 2021, the Company converted
IWEP is a company connected to Eight Capital Partners' Chairman Dominic White. In August 2019 Dominic White agreed to become a non-executive board member of The Avantgarde Group to monitor the Company's and IWEP's interests.
Related party funding
Included within current borrowing at year end was:
Included in non-current borrowing at year end was:
9. Post balance sheet events
On 23 May 2022, the Company announced that it had issued a further
On 24 June 2022, the company announced that at a Bondholder meeting held on 23 June, an Extraordinary Resolution approved a proposal to modify the terms and conditions of the 7% Bond such that the terms align with the more recently issued
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