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Aquis Exchange appoints Collinson as NED

3 min


January 8, 2019

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_LONDON – 08 January 2019 – _Aquis Exchange PLC (AQX.L), the exchange services group, which operates the pan-European cash equities trading MTF, Aquis Exchange, and develops and licenses exchange software to third parties, today announced that it has appointed electronics engineer and serial entrepreneur Glenn Collinson to its Board, as an independent non-executive director (NED), subject to FCA approval.
Collinson started his career at Racal and worked for Motorola and Texas Instruments before co-founding Cambridge Silicon Radio in 1998. There he served as an executive director and helped grow the company from a concept to a $3 billion market capitalisation entity in 2006 (as CSR Plc) and one of the biggest players in the Bluetooth market. Since leaving CSR he has held a number of executive and non-executive directorships in UK and French companies – both public and private – that specialise in technology.
**Commenting on the appointment, Niki Beattie, Chair of Aquis Exchange, said: **
“I am very pleased to welcome Glenn to the Board of Aquis Exchange at this important time in our development as a public company. His background as an engineer and his years of developing and marketing technology products will be invaluable to the business. Crucial too is the first-hand experience he brings of running companies in both the UK and France, the two countries in which Aquis Exchange has a physical presence.”
**Glenn Collinson added:
**“I am very excited to be joining Aquis Exchange – I think the space where financial markets and technology meet will continue to be a huge growth sector and an area where there is real scope for transformative innovation. I look forward to being part of that and helping Aquis continue its journey towards becoming the leading exchange services group.”
Collinson becomes the fifth non-executive on the board of Aquis Exchange. He is a member of the Institute of Engineering and Technology and holds an MSc in electronics as well as an MBA from Cranfield University.
**Trading Update **
Aquis Exchange also confirmed today that it has traded ahead of market expectations for the year ended 31st December 2018 and expects to deliver revenues of £4.0m, representing a 100% increase on the prior year. The Board anticipates making further progress during 2019 and expects to perform in line with expectations; however during the first quarter Aquis’ Members may face a more challenging external environment due to Brexit uncertainty.

***About Aquis Exchange **
*Aquis Exchange PLC is an exchange services group, which operates a pan-European cash equities trading exchange (Aquis Exchange) and develops and licenses exchange software to third parties (Aquis Technologies).
Since June 2018, Aquis Exchange PLC (AQX.L) has been listed on the London Stock Exchange’s AIM. It has offices in London and Paris.
Aquis Exchange is authorised and regulated by the UK Financial Conduct Authority to operate a Multilateral Trading Facility. Aquis MTF operates a lit order book and does not allow aggressive non-client proprietary trading, thus toxicity and signalling risk are lower on Aquis than other trading venues in Europe. According to independent studies, trades on Aquis are less likely to lead to price
movement than on other lit markets. Aquis uses a subscription pricing model which works by charging users according to the message traffic they generate, rather than a percentage of the value of each stock that they trade.
Aquis Technologies is the software and technology division of Aquis Exchange PLC. It creates and licenses cost-effective matching engine and trade surveillance technology for banks, brokers, investment firms and exchanges.
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Belinda Keheyan +44 07768078110