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Aquis Stock Exchange Weekly Highlights 12/01/24

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January 12, 2024

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EDX Medical Group plc announced that Jason Holt, chairman of the Company, has written to shareholders with an update on the Company's activities. In his statement, the Chairman highlighted the anniversary of the company’s listing on Aquis Stock Exchange, acquisitions in Torax Biosciences and Hutano Diagnostics, as well as the commercial agreements with Guardant Health and Thermo Fisher which will helped launch revenue generating operations in Q42023. Read more...
Equipmake Holdings plc announced that further to the announcement in September 2023, the Company's contract with Big Bus Tours Limited ("Big Bus") has been doubled to repower a fleet of 20 buses for a total of £3.5 million.
• Initial contract to repower a fleet of 10 Ankai London Bus class buses has been extended by 100% to a fleet of 20 buses.
• Equipmake is repowering the 20 buses utilising its integrated zero emission drivetrain system.
• The 20 repowered buses are expected to be delivered by June 2024, with thirteen buses delivered by May 2024, and two buses delivered per month thereafter.
• Batteries in the repowered buses will have a range of 120 miles and a minimum life of eight years.
• The extended contract with Big Bus provides an additional £1.75m of revenue for the Company, with the total contract now worth £3.5m.
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Vinanz Limited highlighted the news that the US Securities and Exchange Commission ("SEC") on Wednesday approved rule changes to allow the creation of bitcoin exchange-traded funds ("ETFs") in the U.S., a long-awaited move that will give regular investors access to cryptocurrency. Vinanz specialises in mining Bitcoin, and the company expects that the extra liquidity expected in the global Bitcoin markets with the creation of regulated ETFs in the US is very positive for the Company's business model and expansion plans. Read more…
Capital for Colleagues plc announced an investment update in respect of the quarter ended 30 November 2023.
Key Statistics for the quarter:
• Portfolio comprised of 14 unquoted EOBs at the end of the quarter (31 August 2023: 14).
• Net Asset Value (‘NAV’) of £15,103,155 (31 August 2023: £15,162,569).
• NAV per share decreased, marginally, to 81.67 pence in the quarter (31 August 2023: 81.99 pence per share).
Key Developments in the quarter:
The Company led a funding round of £1.5 million for Bright Ascension Limited (BAL) in October 2023. C4C invested a further £750,000 in this round, alongside Bill Ainscough, a non-executive Director of the Company, and TJ Morris Limited, a significant shareholder in C4C. The committed funds were initially provided to BAL as loans, which will in due course be reclassified as loan notes convertible into ordinary shares in BAL. Read more…